
What do I need to know about work authorization in the United States before I apply for internships and jobs?

许多雇主都不知道美国.S. 签证政策, so you may be responsible for explaining these requirements to employers to help them understand the process and make it easier for them to hire you. 国际学生 & Scholar Services Website and workshops can give you this knowledge so that you can accurately speak about your work authorization requirements with an employer. 具体地说, you should familiarize yourself with the details regarding CPT (Curricular Practical Training) and OPT (Optional Practical Training) so that you can articulate them to an employer. If you have any questions about your work authorization status in the United States, 请联系国际学生 & 感谢学者服务中心的支持.

How much English do I need to know in order to get an internship or a job in the United States?

The ability to speak and write English well is a top requirement for most employers; however, each company may require different levels of English speaking and writing ability.


  • 课堂参与、演讲和案例竞赛
  • 与以英语为母语的朋友对话
  • 参加学生社团 & 组织
  • Conversations and practice interviews with your 职业生涯大使
  • 了解为什么“闲聊”在你的美国生活中很重要.S. 找工作以及如何去做 改善你的美国闲聊-全球聚会.com

How can I get more information to help me explore careers and identify opportunities?

Asking for advice and information from professionals will help you explore careers and identify opportunities. If you’re nervous about reaching out to contacts, your 职业生涯大使 can assist you.


  • 校园赞助的公司信息发布会
  • 人才招聘会往往会
  • 招聘信息
  • Create a strong LinkedIn profile and use resources to engage employers


U.S. 国土安全部-美国.S. 公民及移民事务


  • GoingGlobal 有H1B签证资源吗, helping you identify employers who historically hire international talent based on occupation, 职称, 公司名称, 和行业(因为这个功能需要订阅), you must log in to 握手 with your CIS username and password to access GoingGlobal).
  • 美国H-1B雇主数据库 其中包括超过34万名美国学生.S. employers who have provided H-1B Visas/Work Permits to non-Americans. 虽然这并不是一个你可以申请的职位列表, this database provides valuable information about what employers applied for this visa in the past. You can search the database using a keyword, minimum salary, 公司名称s, city, state and job-type. 
  • H1visajobs.com is an online database of American employers that sponsor H1-B visa holders.
  • 我的签证工作 identifies employment opportunities for foreign nationals who want to live and work in the U.S. 和加拿大. 搜索 annually for updated lists of employers accepting H1B visa holders. 按州、行业和职位名称排序. This site also contains information about work authorizations, 找工作, 以及各种行业的信息.
  • e - verify系统 是一个由美国政府运作的项目.S. government used mostly by employers to check employee records and eligibility. 搜索 for employers that provide work authorization and sponsorship.
  • 波士顿职业论坛 is an annual job recruiting event that has hundreds of employers who are looking to hire Japanese-English bilingual students and professionals, 包括那些有留学经历的人. 他们的活动在波士顿举行, 洛杉矶, 旧金山, 东京, 大阪, 伦敦, 悉尼, 和上海. 
  • 麻省理工学院欧洲招聘会 (ECF) 在波士顿/剑桥有一年一度的招聘活动吗, organized by members of the European Club at the Massachusetts Institute of 技术 (MIT). The mission is to connect thousands of top-tier US students and young professionals with up to 100 European companies, universities and non-profit organizations and to inform folks about career opportunities in Europe.
  • 职业生涯的国家 is an online database that has job postings and resources to connect professionals from Africa and the U.S.
  • 国际校友就业网(IAJN) connects international education and global employment opportunities. IAJN is a social enterprise that connects international students and alumni with global job and internship opportunities and engages with industry and events that unite the international community.
  • Jobware is a German job search engine that allows you to search for jobs in a variety of industries, 包括资讯科技, 工程, 市场营销, 或销售.
  • JobStreet.com 新加坡排名第一的求职网站是什么, 有50多个,新加坡有超过000个招聘信息, 马来西亚, 菲律宾, 印尼, 和越南.
  • Latpro is an online employment site dedicated to bringing diversity to the American workforce. It has been posting Spanish bilingual and Hispanic jobs since 1997 and diversity jobs and job search engines since 2006.
  • 招聘网 is an international job search site with jobs listed in more than 20 countries all over the world.
  • 多元企业. l每年评选出50家最具多样性的公司.
  • GlobalMe学校 is an online career resource that will provide you with the tools needed to succeed in the U.S. 工作场所. 畅游美国.S. 通过探索“国际求职指南 designed to assist international students in understanding American employers, 你作为国际学生所拥有的价值, 以及如何成为一名积极的求职者. GlobalMe学校也提供选择 免费的课程 如何“提高你的美式闲聊”,《网投比较靠谱的大平台》,和“如何找到你”.S. 提供H-1B签证的公司.”
  • 国际学生职业生涯 provides students with online career resources and workshops designed specifically for international students. 您可以访问信息图表,如 《比较靠谱的赌博大平台》 that illustrates a detailed step-by-step guide to help you navigate the H-1B job search process.
  • 前程无忧.com is an online database with job listings for students who are looking to focus their job search in China.